We've assembled our all-time favorite nuggets of information from our board of advisors in a single excellent article which will have a profound impact on your entire family.
Produce Your Own Quality Time
Play with your children. Let them select the activity, and don't worry about principles. Just go with the flow and have fun. That's the name of the game. Read books together every day. Get started when he's a toddler; babies love listening to the noise of their parents' voices. Cuddling up with your child and a publication is a great bonding experience that will set him up for a lifetime of studying. Schedule daily special time. Let your child select an activity where you hang out together for 10 or 15 minutes without any interruptions. There's no better way for you to demonstrate your love. Encourage daddy moment. The greatest untapped resource available for enhancing the lives of our kids is time with Dad -- early and often. Kids with engaged fathers do better in school, problem-solve more successfully, and generally cope better with anything life throws at them. Make warm memories. Your children will probably not recall anything that you say to them, but they will recall the family rituals -- like bedtimes and game night -- which you do together.
Trust Yourself
Give yourself a rest. Hitting the drive-through once you're too tired to cook doesn't make you a bad parent. Trust your mommy gut. Nobody knows your child better than you. Follow your instincts when it comes to his health and well-being. If you think something's incorrect, chances are you're right. Just say No. Resist the desire to accept additional duties at the office or turn into the Volunteer Queen at your kid 's school. You may never, ever regret spending additional time with your children. Don't accept disrespect from your son or daughter. Never let her to be rude or say hurtful things to you or anyone else. If she does, tell her firmly that you will not tolerate any sort of disrespect. Walk along your plan. Mobilize the other caregivers on your kid 's life -- your spouse, grandparents, daycare worker, babysitter -- to help reinforce the values and the behaviour you would like to instill. Including everything from saying thank you personally and being kind to never whining.
Don't Stress About Dinner
Serve a food again and again. If your child rejects a fresh dish, then don't give up hope. You might need to offer it the following eight, six, as well as 10 days until he eats it and decides he likes it. Stay away from food struggles. A wholesome child instinctively knows how much to consume. If he will not finish whatever food is on his plate, just let it all go. He won't starve. Eat at least one meal as a family each day. Sitting down at the table together is really a comfortable way for everyone to connect -- a time to share happy news, share the day, or inform a ridiculous joke. Additionally, it helps your kids develop healthy eating habits. Let your kids put an order. Once every week, let your children to choose what's for dinner and then cook it for them.
Know the Best Strategies to Praise
Give proper praise. Rather than simply saying, You're great, try to be more certain about what your kid didn't deserve the positive feedback. You may say, Waiting before I was away from the phone to ask for cookies was challenging, and I really enjoyed your patience. Cheer the good stuff. When you notice your child doing something nice or helpful, let him understand how you're feeling. It's a fantastic way to reinforce good behavior so he's prone to continue doing it. Gossip about your children. Truth: What we overhear is far more potent than what we are told right. Make compliments more effective by allowing your child capture you whispering a compliment about him to Grandma, Dad, or even his teddy.
Always Say I Love You
Love your children alike, but treat them uniquely. They're individuals. Say I adore you whenever you feel that, even though it's 743 times every day. You just can not spoil a child with too many mushy words of affection and also many smooches. Not possible. Remember what grandmoms always say. Kids are not yours, they are just lent to you for a moment. In these fleeting years, do your very best to help them develop to become good people. Savor the moments. Yes, parenthood is the most exhausting job on the planet. Yes, your house is a mess, the laundry's piled up, and the dog has to be walked. However, your child just laughed. Love it today -- it is going to be over far too fast.
Health Advice All Parents Should Follow
Get your kids vaccinated. Outbreaks of measles and other diseases still occur in our country and throughout the world. Shield that grin. Encouraging your kid to brush twice a day with a dab of fluoride toothpaste can shield against cavities. Be cautious about security. Babyproof your home completely, and never leave a child under 5 in the bathtub alone. Make sure car seats are installed properly, and insist that your child wear a helmet when riding his scooter or bike. Listen to the doc. If your pediatrician thinks your kid's fever is brought on by a virus, then don't push . The best medicine may be rest, a lot of fluids, and a bit of TLC. Overprescribing antibiotics may cause health problems for your child and increase the chances of creating superbugs that withstand therapy. Maintain sunblock next to your kid's toothpaste. Apply it every day as part of this morning routine. It'll become as natural as brushing her teeth. Place your baby to bed drowsy but still awake. This helps your child learn to soothe himself to sleep and prevents bedtime problems down the road. Know when to toilet train. Search for both of these signals your child is about to use the potty: He senses the desire to pee and poop (that differs from knowing that he's already gone), and he also asks for a diaper change.
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